Functional Capacity Assessment. | NDIS.

Axiom Occupational Therapists are experts in providing independent occupational therapy opinion for NDIS access and planning disputes before the Administrative Review Tribunal, with a proven track record of assisting decision-makers in complex matters..

Led by our Principal Occupational Therapist Glen Dwyer, our comprehensive independent reports provide a detailed functional capacity evaluation of an applicant’s ability to participate in everyday activities. We provide clear independent opinion to assist decision-makers as to whether impairment(s) result in substantially reduced functional capacity to undertake daily activities.

Independent Expert Opinion. | Axiom

The Axiom NDIS Functional Capacity Assessment Report provides a detailed functional capacity evaluation of applicants seeking access to, or review of existing services from, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

An applicant's capacity to undertake everyday activities in the domains of COMMUNICATION, SOCIAL INTERACTION, LEARNING, MOBILITY, SELF-CARE and SELF-MANAGEMENT is assessed and recommendations are made to maximise safety and independence. Our detailed independent reports provide clear independent opinion to assist decision-makers as to whether impairment(s) result in substantially reduced functional capacity to undertake daily activities.

This report provides valuable, objective and comprehensive clinical assessment for matters before the Administrative Review Tribunal.

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