Glen Dwyer | AXIOM

Glen Dwyer | AXIOM


Glen Dwyer

Director | Principal Occupational Therapist | Head of Medico-legal Services

Glen has specialised in providing expert witness medico-legal reports to the personal injury market since 2008. He leads Axiom’s network of highly experienced and passionate medico-legal specialists.

Glen’s local and international career has spanned over 25 years, and has been characterised by a passion to assist people to overcome injury-related barriers and maximise independence. More generally, Glen brings a very personable approach to his work. He is held in high regard by his clients for being approachable, compassionate and professional.

Glen brings an exceptional level of expertise in assessing, quantifying and costing loss as a result of injury or death. He has prepared thousands of expert witness reports within NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD and TAS for the benefit of the Court in personal injury matters. He also specialises in medico-legal assessment for NDIS matters before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Glen is a SIRA appointed Authorised Health Practitioner.

Glen specialises in claims arising from:

  • Motor vehicle accidents

  • Work accidents

  • Medical negligence

  • Public liability

  • NDIS AAT matters

  • Family law

  • Industrial illness

  • Chronic illness

  • Class action

  • TPD, super & life insurance

Glen has successfully delivered expert evidence in the NSW District Court, Administrative Appeals/Review Tribunal and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

As Axiom’s principal occupational therapist, Glen is responsible for ensuring Axiom consistently deliver well-reasoned, expert opinion within all relevant legislative and jurisdictional guidelines.