
National leading provider of independent medico-legal occupational therapy and vocational capacity reports.

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Personal Injury Matters

Axiom Occupational Therapists are experts in personal injury compensation, with industry-leading expertise in assessing, quantifying and costing loss as a result of injury or death.

NDIS Disputes

Axiom Occupational Therapists are experts in providing independent occupational therapy opinion for NDIS access and planning disputes before the Administrative Review Tribunal, with a proven track record of assisting decision-makers in complex matters.

Workplace Health and Safety Services

Axiom’s workplace health and safety services include a particular emphasis on manual handling, ergonomics, risk minimisation and the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries.

Welcome to Axiom

With offices located in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and a service area spanning the major Australian capital cities, Axiom is your local provider of expert medico-legal occupational therapy, vocational capacity and workplace health & safety services.

Call Axiom today to discuss your referral needs. We look forward to working with you.